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Saturday, July 19, 2008

What's the story behind Faith's name?

Well I'm glad you asked! (Thank you self!) ;)

Faith was not the name we had orginally planned on. We had many other top contenders, however after MANY problems with our pregnancy (and many docotrs telling us we were going to miscarrry) we decided our little miracle needed a name that meant something, so Faith it was.

As far as the middle name goes we did not have a middle name picked out by the time Faith came. We thought we'd have a few extra months to decide! A few days after she was born a representative from the hospital came up and wanted us to fill out the paper work for Faith's birth certificate. She was going to come back in one hour. This was also the day of Faith's PDA ligation (heart surgery) and we were a mess. In the first few days of Faith's life Brian was super daddy- heading back and forth from the NICU to my room. I was so proud of him so I gave him the responsibility of picking Faith's middle name. ;) I had wanted to name her Faith Elizabeth or Faith Noel, but Brian decided on Edona, and I am glad he did.

Edona is an Albanian name. Before Faith was born for the past three summers Brian and I traveled to Kosovo to aid in war relief.We worked primarily with Albanian widows and their children. There were several "Edonas" there- the name is very common there (much like a name like Sarah is here). The pronunciation is "A-DOH-NA" and it means "loving" we didn't know this at the time, but it fit her well. When our friends in Kosovo found out our first born had an Albanian name in it they were very honored. We cannot wait to take Faith there someday!

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